I realized I didn't post Ave's 1 year pics (taken about 3 weeks ago)- so here they are ! She was super mad that day- screamed and cried all the way through- hilarious! So we only got a few pics, but hey, that's a 1 year old for you, and I wasn't going to put her through it again. Also, the little miss is completely walking- she prefers to walk everywhere now, although at times she's wobbly. So, she has a bump or scratch every day somewhere on her little body. The only way we could avoid it I fear is if we lived in one big giant MoonBounce. Here's a video of her walking (then toppling). :)
Wow!! What a lucky little girl Avery is. The little miss was surrounded by lots of love (and presents) on Sunday afternoon as we had her first birthday party. The ladybug theme was in full effect, and Avery was the perfect little lady throughout the party. She was a champ and loved every minute, from helping to open gifts (and being genuinely interested in each and every one) to digging into her cake with glee. She loved playing with all of her friends- Gabby Beerman, Sydney Oliver, Addy Finney, Joe Taggert (Avery's crush- hee hee...notice the picture of her staring at him on the couch), Victoria Ross, and Olivia and Belle Labrador. Avery also loved seeing all 3 sets of of her grandparents, including her Nana who ventured to the party only 11 days after major back surgery! Avery also loved spending the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Beeching who came down on Friday and spent the weekend helping us get ready for the party. We are so grateful to them! Avery had a blast at her first birthday party! Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate!
We had some fun on Labor Day with Matt, Cathy, and Gabby Beerman at the zoo! We saw the cheetahs run, which was definitely a highlight! We also took a late-in-the-day trip to the pool with Mandy- our last hurrah of the summer! :)
Our little Avery Kate is almost a year old, and it's so hard to believe! She can definitely walk now without holding on to anything, but she favors crawling, because it's so much quicker! She's so stubborn- she wants what she wants right away and walking just takes too long. I don't think we'll see any consistent walking for quite a while, although she does do this crazy half-walking/half-crawling gorilla shuffle thing that's pretty cute! She's also into eating all "real food" now with her six teeth (two teeny ones on the bottom, and four giant teeth on top- hee hee!). However, our allergy prone princess broke out in a rash last week, and we weren't sure which new food caused it (we fear graham crackers or cheese may be the culprit) so we're kind of in new food limbo at the moment. Other than that, not much new to report, except she added a "new word" to her lingo (which consists of "mama", "daddy" or "dada" and "duh" for dog) - she tries to say her cousin Addy's name whenever she sees a picture of her (and we saw her on Tuesday night and she tried to say it)...It sounds pretty garbled (and a lot like "daddy"), but it's still pretty precious! I'm including a couple of videos from Avery's last Gymboree class- we LOVE Gymboree, but now that I'm back to work and Ave's back at the sitter's (with other kids and lots of fun activities), we just aren't able to go to Gymboree very much! We'll definitely do it again next summer though! Ah...growing up so fast!