Friday, March 18, 2011

Precious Girl

Oh my- she just keeps getting cuter I think!:) She definitely doesn't love the camera though-
she basically cried through this session, and the photographer just caught the stuff in middle...
thank you Nana for hanging in there with us! :) Oh so cute!
18 Month Update:
22 lbs.
32 1/2 inches (tall and skinny!)
Right on track for her age (temper tantrums...check, refusing bedtime...check, mind of her own...check, says super cute things that mostly only mom and dad understand...check!)
Little Avery Kate sure is growing up fast! Makes me sad! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011


What a fun couple of weeks! Seeing the ducks at G.G.'s
(Great Grandma) clubhouse, attending a birthday party for
Reese, Miss Tracy's (Avery's sitter) daughter, and finally playing outside
(we don't care about the cold anymore, we've had it with the indoors!).
The birthday party we went to was super cool- they had an animal
program come and Reese just asked for donations for an animal shelter in
lieu of gifts- Avery was not scared at all by the alligator, the python, or the bearded
dragon, but she was petrified by the giant pink pig mascot that came to accept
the check for the animal shelter. Ha ha! I'm posting the video of Avery giggling in the yard with reservations, because Sadie is zooming around her at high speeds and I know that her grandmas will be mad at me! :) All I can say is that she was perfectly safe (okay, I was cringing
as I filmed it, and only kept the camera going for a minute- the giggling was just too
good to pass up.)