Here's a few cutie pics we took of Avery and Addy in the sunflower field- so neat! The top pictures are of Ave at Kristin Braeding's wedding (what a beautiful bride she was!). Unfortunately the very top one was taken before we left the reception and poor Ave had a seizure in the car on the way home! We ended up calling the squad but it was just a febrile seizure- something that happens when kiddos get a temperature spike (which was weird because she had Tylenol all day for a low grade fever earlier in the day...). Apparently it's common and not a big deal (although it felt pretty big to us when it happened!). She's totally fine now! In other news Ave's talking up a storm- her catch phrase at the moment is to say "Come on_____(insert your name here) and then she'll take you wherever she wants to go! :) She actually said a short sentence the other night to Chris while they were brushing her teeth- "Daddy I do it..." I could just eat her up.