Our Avery is about to turn 3! Un-be-liev-able! The little miss started preschool this week at Lakeview Preschool in Maineville. She did awesome and likes her teachers Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Karen a lot! So we have high hopes- but we are also a smidge concerned right now about the whole pottying thing...if you have an accident at Lakeview, they call someone to come and clean up the kiddo- crazy! Who can do that? Makes me feel like I'm the only working mom out there :(. So I'm praying that Avery doesn't get nervous, or excited, etc. (which would be totally appropriate and normal!) and have an accident! Mostly I just can't believe she's three. The little spitfire who changed our lives forever is growing up into the most precious little girl...sigh:).
The top pics are from a fun weekend we spent in Cleveland with Mimi and Grandpa Tommy! Baseball, a Skype shower for Karisa, and Mimi's yummy cooking were the highlights of the weekend! What wonderful family members we have! :)