Monday, February 24, 2014

So Long, Sochi

We made this little gem to commemorate the historic winter games in Sochi- you may remember Avery's fantastic debut as a ski jumper back in the 2010 Vancouver games- in case you missed that remarkable cinematic achievement, it is included below. Creating a "hilarious-to-the-parents-but-to-no-one-else" Olympic video this time around was admittedly much trickier. The video below is approximately Take #15. In the original, Avery had on official looking "goggles" (broken around Take #8), Caroline was wearing a helmet made from a Tupperware bowl and she was sporting some sweet sunglasses. She also had pants on. In this take, you'll notice at the end that the pants are off, we've swapped the helmet for a soft hat, and Avery's wearing Elton John-ish sunglasses. I had also had 3 glasses of wine by this point (just kidding).


 Here's the original video we did back in February of 2010 with Avery as a ski jumper- way ahead of her time since the first women's ski jumping team debuted this year. Note the controversial skis:


Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Surprisingly Adorable Photo-Shoot

Professional pictures are so stressful, right? You have visions of your children sitting perfectly still with angelic smiles, and instead you end up with a picture in which your child's smile looks very chipmunk-esque, and they have a clearly visible booger. Or, you end up with 83 pictures of your infant screaming. Whenever I take my girls to Portrait Innovations, I always leave with huge armpit sweat stains and a headache. And not because Portrait Innovations isn't good, because they are...they are right down on the floor in the snot and tears holding up a battered stuffed monkey while making chicken noises- anything to get your kids to smile. It's just because whenever you have expectations and you throw two ticking time bombs (aka my sweetie pies) into the mix, there is bound to be stress.

Anyhoo, this time was different (hallelujah!).  I took the girls to PI last weekend on a whim, and man did they deliver! Lots of angelic little shots from my polka-dotted princesses. Well worth the sweat stains.