Friday, June 8, 2012

Avery's Spring

I must admit, FINALLY joining Facebook has made me sluggish with the blogging. Despite my resistance to FB for eight years, it's actually a pretty fabulous way to post pics of Avery, making the blog a little trickier to keep up with! But...the blog must go on! :) So, to bring you up to speed on the last two months, all you really need to know are these two topics:
-Potty Training
Avery's either been peeing or screaming for two months solid. Potty training is coming along, but Ave doesn't seem to mind being soggy, so that's a bump in the road for sure...she just started pooping on the potty a couple of weeks ago.  You know your life will never return to what it once was when the highlight of your weekend is that your child has pooped on the potty!  Most of the time she's in Pull-Ups, but now that I'm done with the school year, it's time for potty boot camp! 
We've been weathering some pretty fantastic a storm out on the ocean, they come out of nowhere, they can last for surprisingly long amounts of time, and they can really rock the boat (okay that last one was pretty cheesy:).  Usually, my philosophy of ignoring works well- I can do some laundry, check my e-mail, knit a sweater, etc... but lately they've become unignorable and all I can do is look at the sky and shout "Serenity Now!" Oh well, this too shall pass.  Right?????????? She's still the stinkin cutest little girl ever!

 At a photo shoot for Suburban Pediatrics- Avery and Addy were models! :)

 With Great Gram and Gramps visiting from Illinois...

 At the Cinco de Derby party

 They were snuggling because they were afraid of Ursula in The Little Mermaid

 At the Krohn Conservatory Butterfly Show