Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

 Decorating eggs with a significant splatter to the shirt! :)

 That silly bunny hid Ave's basket in Mimi and Grandpa Tommy's closet! 

 The Easter Bunny brought Avery a racetrack/car set! Looks like the Easter Bunny shares our enthusiasm for helping Avery branch out beyond Disney Princesses:).
 Posing at church.

 Opening Easter baskets at Nana's!

 Ave helping Mommy decorate homemade carrot cake cupcakes! Even did the cream cheese frosting from scratch- pretty impressive I'd say for a nine-month pregnant lady! 
 Ave and Daddy under our egg tree. 

With the ground too muddy, we had an indoor egg hunt at Aunt Nancy's! 

What a lovely Easter! We spent the day with family, at Nana's for lunch and then Aunt Nancy's for dinner.  Avery enjoyed eating as much sugar as possible and running like a wild woman through Aunt Nancy's house:).  We ended the day talking with Mimi and Grandpa Tommy, who sent Ave a wonderful Easter present in addition to a package from Hawaii they sent yesterday, full of stuffed versions of Hawaii's famous wildlife- so sweet! It was a super day! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day in March!


Snow day today! On March 6th! Avery and I ventured out into the snow (well, Avery frolicked in the snow, and I walked carefully around trying not to fall on my super pregnant booty!)...the picture on the bottom is a SNOW MOUSE (apparently)- something that was very clear in Avery's mind, but did not quite turn out the way she had envisioned- ha ha! It has little ears, a tail, and Craisin eyes and a nose. But hey, I'll take a snow mouse over building a full-size snowman! :)

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt and Song :)

Avery's Daddy was in Long Island for Valentine's Day, so he left a scavenger hunt for her to follow. Despite the fact that it was on multiple floors, and I was huffing and puffing to keep up with her, she LOVED it! She also learned a cute song at preschool that she wanted to perform:).