Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Fun Continues!

Our fun Christmas vacation continued this week...Avery went with me to a reunion for Camp Campbell Gard summer camp counselors (a blast from the past!), and she really loved meeting Ben, Julie, and Dave! Avery took some time out to sit among her many gifts from Christmas- wow!She wants to give a big "thank you" to everyone for all of her amazing presents- check out her pictures surrounded by all of her loot- can you spot Avery (it's like E.T. hiding among the stuffed animals)! Avery really enjoyed a visit on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday from her Grandma and Grandpa Beeching! She loved spending time with them. Grandpa Tom put the jumperoo together for us and Ave had a blast!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Here are some pictures and videos from Avery's first Christmas extravaganza!! Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were filled with tons of fun (and outfit changes, due to that ever present Christmas spit-up:). Avery was spoiled rotten and we had a blast hanging out with family!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Avery's Christmas Pictures

So....about a month ago I subjected our Little Miss Avery to the ultimate torture- Christmas pictures! They turned out pretty hilarious- she wasn't too smiley, which was a bummer because she smiles constantly now! My favorite is the bottom one- she looks much older than 9 weeks as she sits propped up in that grown-up chair! We didn't order all of these poses- in fact, check out the one with the beret- ridiculous! I can't believe we made her wear that- we ended up returning that pose, but I thought I'd post it- her expression says it all! I also like the full-length Christmas dress one where she appears to be doing some sort of sign language. Or, how about the full-length naked one where she appears to be playing an imaginary flute? You can tell by the time we got to the end of the photo shoot in the purple dress that she was done. This is evidenced by the picture second from the top where she threatens us with a balled up fist, or the very top picture in which she is showing us the middle finger! :) Oh, the holidays! Ha ha! In all seriousness, I think she's the most precious baby ever and she was actually really good for her first round of pictures at only 2 months old (she already looks so different now at 3 months!)! Only a few more days until Christmas!

Friday, December 18, 2009

1 Week Until Avery's 1st Christmas!

Here's our Avery Kate on Friday, December 18th- 1 week before Christmas! I'm officially off of school for 2 weeks and so ready to spend tons of time with our little cutie! She's just been so good lately (I'm knocking on wood, knowing that she'll probably wake up in the middle of the night tonight!)- sleeping on a great schedule (usually 10:00 or so until 5:30, plus naps during the day), and really interactive with us! She's growing like a champ too... she's up to 11 pounds, 14 ounces. Enjoy the videos; I apologize in advance for my voice on the bottom one- it's all baby talk, all the time around here! :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Fun Weekend!

Avery had a visit this weekend from my great friends Christie and Jenny; we had a blast! :) Notice in the other pics that we are just propping Avery up everywhere- we think she'll sit up early- ha ha! She's making a hilarious face in the reindeer bib - can't wait for Christmas!! :

Friday, December 11, 2009

We just can't believe that Avery is 12 weeks old and counting! She's up to 11 pounds 6 ounces, and doing all kinds of neat things like laughing out loud and sleeping through the night (yippee!!!!). I can't wait for Christmas break so I can spend lots of time with her, and get some videos on the blog ( my video camera hasn't been working!). In the meantime, here are some pics of her in a jumperoo- her nana decided to put her in it even though she's still so little- she loved it!! Here she is in the tub..I know, we are ridiculous keeping her in a towel, but the little princess doesn't like being cold one bit!! The top pic is Avery at a holiday party at Grandpa's office:).

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Decorating the Tree

Well, it's Avery's first Christmas and the fun has begun with decorating our tree. Check out her less-than-enthused expressions...hilarious! She really just wanted to hold on tight to the bubble wrap (don't worry Nana, we didn't let her play with it!).

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We had a great first Thanksgiving! We took our
first road trip- 3 1/2 hours to visit Avery's grandparents in Cleveland! Avery was a champ in the car both ways. She was very excited to experience her first snow while spending two days out of town...Avery's Grandpa Tom even built her a snowman!! Avery also had her first "outings" this week. Last Sunday she attended Sydney Oliver's first birthday party, and this weekend she went to her cousin Olivia's first birthday! She was also visited this week by her friend Gabby Beerman (thanks for the dinner Cath and Matt!). Plus a big Thanksgiving gathering with all of the Cleveland relatives...what a week! The pictures at the top are Avery being held by her Uncle Scott and Aunt Jen- Avery is so excited for her cousin Addy to be born soon (let the matching outfits begin!!)!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Just Keeps Getting Better!

Wow-our girl is changing! She's quite a happy little lady now (thank you Prevacid!!)- full of smiles! She's sleeping too- 6 hour stretches at night- yippee! That's thanks to the
"Miracle Blanket" swaddler- thanks for that gift Jill! She's over 10 pounds and 22 inches now- that's an average of an ounce a day weight gain since birth-yea! So , life is good except for the fact that I have to work so much (this is a super busy time for teachers) ! I wish I had more time to spend with her, but she's being spoiled instead right now by her daddy, Papa and Nana Finney, and her wonderful babysitter Judy! Enjoy the short video- you may notice she's wearing little mitts...that's because we had her Christmas pictures taken yesterday (so cute!), and I didn't want her to scratch herself (okay, so I'm a bit of a pageant mom:)...